Makeover Mondays: Naturally Radiant

Makeover Mondays are a new segment written by makeup artist Laurie Starkey

Every bride wants to have that flawless radiant glow on her wedding day. A great makeup artist is key to achieving your desired look on your big day, however a flawless makeup application actually begins with great skin. Although it will take some time and patience, below are some of my simple tips to help you achieve gorgeous radiant skin.
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#1 Water: Believe it or not, water is my number one go-to beauty remedy. I recommend 8-10 glasses of water a day. Not only will the water replenish your skin and give you a supple hydrated appearance, it will also flush all the toxins out of your body. Remember, your skin is a reflection of what’s going on inside your body, so you want to rid of all the harmful toxins. To boost your water detoxification, add two capfuls of Bragg’s apple cider vinegar to your water 3 times daily.

#2 Exfoliation: Naturally we all accumulate dead skin cells on our face, and all over our body for that matter. Exfoliating can reveal healthy glowing skin under those dead cells. One of my favorite store bought exfoliators is the Burt’s Bees Deep Pore Scrub. You can find it in virtually any drug store and it’s 100% natural! Or, if you are a do-it-yourself’er like me, you can concoct a simple scrub with honey, lemon and sugar. It’s simple, natural and really does the trick! I recommend a scrub 1-2 times a week.

#3 Treat stubborn pimples: If you are dealing with a stubborn pimple or feel the dreaded onset of one, I recommend tea tree oil. Tea tree oil contains natural antibacterial properties which makes it a great alternative to harsh chemicals found in most acne treatments. If will effectively treat the pimple, without the dryness and irritation.

#4 Increase your fruit and veggie intake: As women on the go, it can be tricky getting all the nutrients and vitamins found naturally in fruits and vegetables. However, these foods are essential to fighting free radicals, improving your complexion and contributing to your overall health and well being! If you are not a fan of sitting down to a big green leafy salad, you might consider juicing. It’s a great way to pack tons of fruits and veggies into your diet with a quick convenient drink!

#5 Spare your pockets: As a makeup artist I’ve tried pretty much every potion, lotion and serum around. If you are anything like me, you are obsessed with trying all the new, so-called life changing beauty products on the market! Now, don’t get me wrong, there are some great products out on the market. However, as someone who has tried virtually everything under the sun, I am here to tell you the your natural glow begins on the inside. Planning a wedding can be a stressful time, so take time to give yourself a break once and a while. Drink plenty of water, make healthier food choices and enjoy this time before you say your “I-do’s” You will surely be radiating on your big day!

Say “Yes” Again!

Diary of a Bride to be by Lauren Cooper

This weekend was a busy wedding weekend!  I had my hair and makeup trial and my first dress fitting!  Prior to my makeup trial I decided to go for a spray tan to give myself a bit of a glow.  Unfortunately, that glow was more of a “I-just-spent-two-weeks-at-the-beach” tan; and made the future husband burst out laughing when I walked in the door.  Real encouraging.  Despite my beach-y look, the makeup trial went very well and I’m so glad I chose Dylan Michael Cosmetics.  My hair trial was equally successful, Jill from Up Your Do gave me an awesome look that wasn’t too over the top.  Both women made the wedding feel so much more real and were so great to work with.  I can’t believe how close we’re getting to the wedding day!

Then came the dress fitting.  My sister, mother and grandmother were all present and (due to my previous insanity of looking for other dresses) I was so nervous.  I wouldn’t even look at myself in the dress until I was in front of the big mirror.  Then, a HUGE sigh of relief.  It’s perfect, and gorgeous and I LOVE it!  The sample dress I had tried on doesn’t even do it justice!  I was all smiles. 

After choosing a (gorgeous, cathedral) veil we headed back to the seamstress.  She pinned me in, since the dress was still big, and we discussed how we were going to add sleeves.  She also had plenty of corsets and bra cups in her workshop and she chose one that would amplify my not-so-ample decolletage.  🙂  Bonus: I don’t have to shop for a wedding day corset since she already had one! 🙂  We took tons of pictures and I can’t stop looking at all of them!  I feel so excited, and relieved now that I said “Yes to the Dress”, again.  Insert happy dance here.

Healthy Skin Is In! by Makeup Artist Lauren Napier

Lauren on the job

Beauty Tips and Trends by Celebrity Makeup Artist and Beauty Expert Lauren Napier

Beautiful wedding day makeup begins with healthy skin. Upgrade your skin’s vitality in just a few steps.

• Assess your current skin condition. If you’re struggling with dry and dehydrated skin try Shu Uemura’s Hydrability Skincare System. If your battle is oily skin, try Shu Uemura’s PuRenovate Skincare System.

• Concealer is a key element used to balance discoloration throughout your face. Select a cream concealer that matches your cheek’s skin tone. Avoid using a concealer color that is too light, creating the “Raccoon Eye.” Apply concealer to the under eye, over nasal shadows and at the outer corners of your mouth. This creates evenness throughout the center focal points of your face.

• Follow up with foundation! Start with a dime-sized droplet of liquid foundation. Apply with a moistened Beauty Blender Sponge. Use the Beauty Blender’s larger round side throughout your face, forehead, cheeks and chin. Use pointed the side around the nose and under the eyes.

• Blush and Bronzer add color to lustrous skin. Choose your blush style. If you desire a dewy cheek apply a cream based blush along with a shimmering power blush. If you’re a matte gal, apply a powder blush with a large, fluffy blush brush over your full cheek.

You’ve got the healthy glow in 4 simple steps! Don’t fret, keep beauty simple. “Never lose the woman beneath the makeup!”

For more info on Lauren Napier visit her website email or call 646.797.7567

Feeling lucky this Friday?

Here’s some websites with sweepstakes I recently found! Save money on your honeymoon, dress, or even your makeup and splurge more somewhere else like on your wedding! Also, don’t forget the Korres Sweepstakes for the beautiful trip to Greece!

1) has some sweepstakes going on:

There’s 6 active sweepstakes and prizes including

  • Carribean “Mini Moon”
  • $25,000 towards your dream wedding
  • Honeymoon to Jamaica (plus 2 Nokia phones)
  • Beach Bride Workout DVD
  • Bridal Travel Deals
  • Free makeup giveaway

2) is also giving away a honeymoon for a 7 day, 6 night stay at Sandals Resort

3) is giving away a free dress

“One lucky lady will be winning any wedding dress of her choice compliments of, a one stop shop for all your wedding fashion needs. From the bride to the groom all the way down to the flower girl, they have pretty much everything. How to win. Visit share with us your favorite product. Enter as many times as you like until 6.8.09. When the winner will be announced.”

Good luck everyone! 🙂