How To – Thank You’s

How To by Jennifer Crone

Some couple’s dread returning from their honeymoon, and not just because they have to get off the beach and go back to work, but because they have to write 200 Thank You cards to boot! This can be a daunting task as you and your newlywed get settled into your nest, so here’s How To:

card: Kate’s Paperie
  • Think Ahead: Before your engagement shoot have fun with a DIY “Thank You” sign. Use a miniature chalk board, garland (a la “Happy Birthday sign”), or get creative and use a parasol, draw in the sand, etc. The possibilities are endless! If you’re not doing an engagement shoot, bring your sign, or idea, to your wedding a get a shot then.
  • Include Thank You cards in with your other paper goods. Whomever you’re getting your invitations from will likely sell Thank You cards as well. This option may be a tad more pricey, but this way your cards match your invites and in turn your wedding theme as the cost is all upfront–no additional items to buy after the wedding. This will save time and possibly a headache if you can’t find something you like.
  • Buying your Thank You’s from a paper store may be the most cost effective option, but know that they may only have 30 of the one you like in stock, etc. These cards usually come in packs of 10 or 20. If you do go this route, Kate’s Paperie is one of our favorite places to buy all things paper. Purchase online for a better chance of having the number you need.
  • For the planneriest of all planners, I’ve got an idea for you! Pre-address your envelopes against your RSVPs. Once you get an RSVP card indicating a “yes”, address an envelope to the guest and put your thank you card in it. Once you return from your honeymoon you can simply fill in the card with your sincerest thanks and seal the envelope. Go a step further and pre-stamp as well.
photo: Carmen Nauseef of Blink of an Eye Photography

Tip: First things first–cards get separated from gifts and it’s often difficult to remember who gave what once time has passed. Make a list of who gave what first and foremost so that when you sit down to write your Thank You’s you don’t have to keep getting up to find a card or gift.

Remember, there’s nothing more proper or appreciated than a gracious host and hostess.