Shower and Bachelor Parties

Diary of a Bride to be by Lauren Cooper

This weekend I was left to my own devices as my honey was in New Orleans for his Bachelor party!  (Lucky duck!)  He’d been planning the trip for several months  while I was simultaneously planning to occupy my weekend with friends, chores, and a project for his wedding present . 😉  However, as I was trying to find ways to fill my time, a little bird told me to stop trying to make plans and then flew away without revealing any other information. 

Time marched on and finally Sunday came along with plans to meet our Grooms-woman Meghan for brunch.  As we walked to 340 Grill in Hoboken, I had a sneaking suspicion that this was it…the bridal shower.   And I was right!  I walked into a room full of my family and friends all there for a lovely brunch shower.  Cue the whirlwind photographs, congratulations and introductions.  Again, making me SO glad I have the Private Receptions team and a videographer the day of the wedding ! 

I had a great time with my sisters, my moms, and my awesome friends and family that all made the trip from Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania and New York!  Whew!  I can’t thank everyone enough for all their hard work that went into arranging this and making it so special for me!  And to top off an already amazing weekend?  I got to pick up an exhausted (but alive and unscathed!) Future Hubs at the airport 🙂 yay!

Bachelor Party Abroad

Destination Do’s and Don’ts by Markia Raveau-Violette

Generally, the bachelor party takes place at home, not the destination. Mix things up a bit by planning your fiancé’s bachelor party for him away from home. Since you’re traveling to an amazing location anyway, you might as well take advantage of it. All of his groomsmen will be there, and I’m sure they wouldn’t mind a bachelor party abroad.

Work with the destination. If you’re near the ocean or lake, plan something on the water. Rent out a boat for the day or plan a bonfire on the beach. If you’re near mountains, plan a hike or a day of skiing. If you’re staying at a resort, check out what it has to offer. Most resorts have plenty of activities that you can incorporate into a bachelor party. If you’re in a city, plan a guys night out on the town. No matter where the destination, there will lots of ideas for a bachelor party your fiancé won’t forget!

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The Last Lap Dance!

All Things Wedding By Elizabeth Skogstrom

The wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton has caught the attention of wedding enthusiast across the globe! Lately, the talk that has been catching our ears is Prince William’s bachelor party.  It got us wondering, “Why are they so many bad connotations with bachelor parties?”

We say enough!

It is a right of passage for a groom to go out and live it up with the guys. One condition, lets keep it classy boys!

If your goal is to keep it classy, but still have the ultimate bachelor party take inspiration from the debonair men of the 1960’s. Make your bachelor party worthy of the nod of approval from the men of Mad Men.

First you have to look the part.

Slip into your three-piece suit, snap on the suspenders, and adorn yourself with dark-rimmed glasses.

Next comes the liquor.

No Bachelor party is complete without having a few drinks to make the night memorable. To loosen up Mad Men style pour yourself a glass of scotch to find your favorite brand we recommend Here you can read reviews, and facts about what brands you may want swivel in your tumbler. To make your drink complete light up a cigar to celebrate all things man!

Next, we have to touch on the presence of dancers.

This is where your best man steps in, and insists that no bachelor party is complete without dancers. We say if your going to do it, do it right, and in Mad Men theme. Hire burlesque dancers that have the pin up girl essence! In the New York area, or planning a destination bachelor party to New York? Check out the The Darby supper club for live entertainment, drinks, and dinner.

Pick a location that is all man, but all class.

Bachelor parties do not have to be at dirty, smoky strip clubs where the floor may be cleaner then the seats. Go with a venue that Don Draper would be willing to take potential clients. Check out the The Mulberry Project, a New York bar, tucked away in a basement serving ever-changing cocktails; or go to The Blind Barber, also located in New York, is a vintage barbershop turned bar.

Whether you go the classic Mad Men route, or choose no theme at all, please gentlemen go out and celebrate.

Keep it sexy, keep it classy, have a goodnight; but serve one toast to the one who you will be meeting at the altar tomorrow!