It’s All In The Details: Sweet Favors!

Its All In The Details by Alyssa Aiola

Lets be honest, most brides will spend anywhere from 2-6 dollars per party favor for each guest only for it to be forgotten about, thrown out or lost in clutter. More and more brides are using the idea of an edible favor since its extremely versatile and you know your guests are going to get some use out of it! When choosing your edible treats it is important to keep in mind your overall theme and also the age bracket of your guests attending. Candy bars are a great idea if you know ahead of time you are going to have a lot of kids attending but maybe then you should pass on the candy apple buffet since it could get messy! Also it is important to think about what you want your gifts to look and taste like, as well as what they’ll represent. Any special traditions practiced by your religion, culture, etc. can also be integrated into your favors in some way. Give your guests a bite to remember with these six adorably delish parting gifts:

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  • Cupcake in a Jar: More and more brides are using this trendy and yet easy idea as favors for their guests! Pick from any flavor of your wildest dreams and get creative with the label! Under The Table and Dreaming  has 50+ recipes on cakes you can put in a jar from S’mores to cheesecake! Guests will be able to bring home a unique gift that looks too good to eat!
  • Candy Apple Buffett: This idea for a candy apple buffet is not only delicious, but so fun and interactive for any age. Providing multiple different apple toppings and a customized box, we love Labels For You , guests will be able to take home their wonderful handmade treats as a token from your wedding!
  • S’mores Kit: With summer fast approaching, a great idea would be to give your guest the perfect Summer Night BBQ gift of a DIY S’mores kit! Fancy That  has the perfect clear box which you can then customize and fill with graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate!
  • Candy Bar: Create a table with a list of both “his” and “her” favorite candy and allow guests to pick and choose which sweets to toss in their bags. You can also use Chinese take out box’s as containers that can be stamped with your monogram!
  • Late Night Snack Bar: After the wedding cake has been passed and the last song has been played your guests might need one last pick me up before driving home. Creating a late night snack bar allows your guests to pick and choose from whatever sweets they are craving along with a box of milk to wash it down.
  • Breakfast in a Bag: How thoughtful would it be to give your guests a bag full of bagels, cream cheese, butter and orange juice so they have breakfast all set for the next morning! This is a great gift especially for weddings that run late into the night! To go along with the next morning theme, you could throw in Advil and even a newspaper!

Let us know what sweet treats you gave out on your wedding night or if you ever received a delicious gift as a favor by writing on our Facebook wall or tweeting us!

Diary of a Bride to Be: Registry Battle

Diary of a Bride to Be by Lauren Cooper

So I took a little time this week to look into places to register.  Upon announcing this to my fiance, his initial reaction, of course, was asking to “Do we HAVE to?”.  His reasoning being that if most people just give money for weddings anyway, we can go out and buy whatever we need ourselves.  Ok, that’s kind of a good theory but what about the bridal shower?  Not to mention, it’s kind of a tradition.  Some household items get passed down through generations but starting a  registry is today’s equivalent of a bride’s dowry…being filled by those nearest and dearest to her.  Needless to say, I won the battle for the registry through wit and bridal charm.  And (a pleasant surprise)  he actually has an opinion about where we register.  So here’s our picks so far:

Now, I realize it’s early to start a registry.  But I was bored. Honestly.  So I started with one of my favorite places in the world:  Crate & Barrel.  I looked online and started browsing through kitchen gadgets (I truly love kitchen gadgets).  And little by little I started a list.  Which included an apple slicer and an ice cream scoop.  I mean really, these are essential, I’m not sure how we haven’t had them in our kitchen before.  Along the same lines of fun kitchen gadgets, I looked into Pampered Chef.

I’m sure we’ve all been to a Pampered Chef party.  Truth be told, I LOVE them.  They have some of the coolest kitchen gadgets AND they’re stoneware is indestructible.  (Unless you use soap on them)  If you don’t know, stoneware is much like a cast iron pan.  It absorbs the flavors of whatever you’ve been cooking so each dish has a different personality.  This doesn’t mean that your tuna casserole is gonna taste like lasagna.  It just makes things cook better.  Trust me.

And finally, Bed Bath and Beyond.  The thing I’m most excited about from this store is our picnic basket.  I love picnics and what better way to celebrate the anniversary of our engagement or enjoy a lazy Sunday by picnicking in the Park?  Sigh.

I have a long way to go with registry items but those can wait until much closer to the wedding.  At least we have a few essentials picked!  I’ll let you know how picking china patterns works out in September or so…

Stock It To Them!

All Things Weddings By Elizabeth Skogstrom

The wedding shower. A scene replayed many times throughout wedding history. The perfectly plated finger foods.  The bridesmaids who gobble them down. Gifts that excite the bride as she dreams of her perfect home, but  have a lack luster affect on the groom. Wedding bingo is brought out. Half the guest roll their eyes, and the other half get eerily competitive.

I could continue, but the scene is one so cliché there is no need to. Times have changed and so have wedding showers. It is time that this tired tradition was dusted off and given a shine! Instead of planning the same old traditional wedding shower try something new. Something everyone can enjoy. Where gifts are bought for the couple, but enjoyed by all.

What is this new wedding shower tradition you may ask? It is known as a stock the bar shower. Just follow these simple steps and you will be well on your way to getting the perfectly stocked bar for the bride and groom!

Party Venue
Where to have a stock the bar party? How about a bar? 🙂 Either host the party at your own bar, or rent out a bar for the evening. Whatever you choose make sure that you are well stocked with the poison that is the theme of the evening, delicious beverages!

Send out the Memo
Stock the bar parties are have become so popular that many invitation companies have started making invitations specifically for them. Pick out an invitation that reflects the couples style, and the feel of the night. On the invitation make a list of the alcohols the couple likes and dislikes. Include other bar essentials, like a shaker, or wine glasses.

Never Drink on an Empty Stomach
Have plenty of delicious food for your guest to snack on. Everyone loves food, and no one loves to be sloppy bring out the appetizers to ensure a great night. Try out grilled mini Italian sandwiches.

Leave the Bingo Behind
Please folks unless you can win money lets leave bingo out of this. Instead play a game fitting to the upcoming wedding you are celebrating, but fitting with a bar stocking party. Try out the Alcoholic Drink Names A to Z, or if it is an all girls evening try out the Well I Never Game.

Bring out the Tunes
We all know that when drinks are involved music is needed. Make a list combining the bride and grooms favorite songs. The couple will love it, and everyone will be dancing before the night is over!

TODS Tip – Cheecky Wedding Gifts

A for Asparagus plate by Just Noey on Etsy

Listen ladies and lads, I know you’re not always a bride, sometimes you’re simply a delightful guest at a wedded affair, in which case you need to come with a fabulous gift. And what’s better than these playful initial plates? Choose 6 plates with their last initial as dessert or app plates for entertaining or 2 with their first initials for just the couple. Support handmade and go to Etsy and check them out!

TOD says: Everyone loves seeing their own name!

Tips on Favors and Guest Gifts from the Pros!

What to give as guest gifts? The girls at Navy & Lavender give us some helpful tips and tricks on gifts and favors. See below for more on this great one stop favor shop. Thanks ladies!

Here are a few of our favorite gifting tips…

  • Mix and match favors!  Give guests a little variety by gifting an assortment of favors all unified by a common theme or color scheme.  Couples will especially appreciate receiving different gifts instead of two of the same, but if you’re on a budget you can certainly just give one favor per couple!
  • Remember that hometown weddings can still be a destination for some guests.  Be sure to arrange accommodations for any out-of-towners.  Welcome gifts are the perfect way to make guests feel at home and kick off the celebration on the right foot!
  • Look to your venue for inspiration for your gifts.  For example if you’re having an island destination wedding, give your bridesmaids something practical they can use for the trip like bikini bags and after-sun lotions.  Each time they use them after the wedding they’ll be reminded of your special day!

Navy & Lavender is all about the details!  Our goal is to make your wedding as memorable for you as it is for your guests.  With our distinctive charm and personalized touches, we offer a unique and stylish assortment of welcome gifts, favors, and presents for the bride, groom, and bridal party.  Navy & Lavender’s elegant products coupled with our superior customer service help make gift giving a fun and enjoyable experience for both the gift giver and recipient.

And if for some reason you can’t find exactly what you’re looking for, we are always happy to help source or customize products to fit your wedding vision!

For more info. check out their website, blog, or give them a ring at 646.329.6489