Tasting Troubles

Diary of a Bride to be by Lauren Cooper

I got an email on Friday from the Coordinator at our venue just to check in and see where our plans were.  Because I have all the big things out of the way, I asked if we could go ahead and schedule our tasting before my calendar filled up with fittings and invite stuffing parties.  She obliged and sent me instructions for how to choose our tasting menu.  So Sunday night, FH and I sat down and tried to decided what we wanted to taste.  Sounds simple, really not so much.

When we first started the planning process, FH and I really wanted heavy hors d’oeuvre served throughout the night:  a cocktail style reception.  Unfortunately, this was going to be over our food budget by a considerable amount.  Then our catering coordinator suggested stations which would turn over every hour into something different.  FH loves the idea.  Me, ehhh.  The more I think about it, the more I lean towards traditional sit down.  There’s a formula to weddings, and it works; so why not stick with it and mix it up where we can?  Anyway…

Choosing food is difficult.  FH wanted to try steak and fish to be served table-side, and crab cake.   To which I said “No, what about the people with shellfish allergies, or who don’t like red meat?  Then they’re stuck with fish, which they may not like.”  I know plenty of people who just don’t like seafood in general.  He didn’t like that so much.  After about 20 minutes of back and forth, we settled on tasting the steak, chicken and crab cake.  Keep in mind this isn’t even our final menu…this is what we’re going to taste and decide from there.  I can only imagine how finalizing the menu will be.  Ow, my head.