Redefine Your Registry Experience!

Dana Ostomel from Deposit a Gift helps teach us how to redefine the registry experience to fit your needs. Thanks Dana!

For many engaged couples today, a traditional department store registry doesn’t make sense: they already have what they need, don’t have space for extras and generally have different ‘starter’ needs. An increasingly popular option in response to this conundrum is the cash gift registry. It’s the perfect compromise because it gives you total flexibility while providing guests with a list of special gift items comprised of dreams and experiences you want most:

  • a fabulous honeymoon
  • romantic newlywed adventures
  • a home down payment
  • big ticket items you can’t register for
  • a charity close to your heart

So what are the main things to keep in mind when selecting and managing the registry? Anything that will make it easier on guests? Absolutely!


  1. Online availability is key: Make sure to have at least 1 registry with an online shopping option so guests can just click and go. You’ll be surprised how many gifts are bought the night before or the day of the event. Make sure the registry info is available on your wedding website, a handy tool for guests on the go!
  2. Don’t have separate registries per event. When you register, you are creating gift lists for the occasion of getting married and these registries may be used for everything from an engagement party to a bridal shower.
  3. Make it fun — think like a gift-giver! Although this is your moment, you’ll fare better if you keep your guests in mind. Thinking like a gift-giver means: What do you like to give as a gift? If you’re like most, you want to give something special that you’ll be remembered fondly for. So whether you’re making a registry to update your kitchen or registering for a new home fund, make a list of special items that is fun for guests to shop from.

Get in touch at the Deposit a Gift website, check out their blog, like them on facebook, stay in touch on twitter or give them a call at 646-504-7124 Happy shopping!